What does WerkBedrijf do?

 WerkBedrijf is the job placement company in the region Rijk van Nijmegen. We offer free support to status holders in finding a suitable job. Sometimes it’s a paid job right away, but sometimes you will first work without salary while retaining benefits (met behoud van uitkering) for a shorter or longer period. This depends upon your work experience, education and mastery of the Dutch language. It is also possible to follow a learn-work traject. You will work for several days a week and usually go to school for one day a week (BBL). Sometimes an education with study financing is the most suitable in your situation. Together with you we look for the most suitable traject. It’s always customized to your personal needs!

WerkBedrijf also offers internal courses such as job applying, empowerment, orientation on the Dutch work market. These courses are free of charge.

Do you want to start working right away? Then look on our website: www.werkbedrijfrvn.nl, click on ‘ik ben werkzoekende’ and then choose ‘vacature zoeken’. On the left side of the screen you will find a search filter to enable you to choose in which branch you want to work, how many hours a week etc. When you have found a suitable job offer than scroll to the bottom of the page and click on ‘ietsvoorjou? Solliciteer direct hieronder’. When you fill in the required information an employer of WerkBedrijf, who knows more about that job, will contact you and help you further.

If you don’t have an assigned contact person at WerkBedrijfyet and would like to gethelpin searching for a job or education, you can digitally make an appointment through the website of  WerkBedrijf; www.werkbedrijfrvn.nl. Indicate that you are a status holder to make the process go easier.


We wish you good luck in finding a job!



Do you live in Nijmegen, Wijchen, Druten, Beuningen, Heumen, Mook en Middelaar or Berg en Dal? Do you have social benefits (de uitkering) from the municipality? Do you speak Dutch (A2) or English? Then register at WerkBedrijf.

WerkBedrijf can:

⇒ Advise about work
⇒ Help with finding work
⇒ Advise about starting your company
⇒ Provide training or workshops to support finding work

Connected to Nijmegen?

Do you live in an asylum seeking centre (AZC) in this region?  Will you get a house in one of the municipalities abouve? If you speak the language, you can register yourself at WerkBedrijf. If you don’t do that yourself, you will eventually get an invitation to visit. This you are obliged to do, because you are receiving social benefits (uitkering) from the municipality.

More information about work and the social benefits, you will find here.

Werkbedrijf Rijk van NijmegenVacancies

Contact Person WerkBedrijf for Status Holders

Mr. Ad Verpaalen (in Dutch or English)
E a.verpaalen@wbrn.nl
T 0655688043
Adres (klik voor google maps):
Nieuwe Dukenburgseweg 21A
6534 AD Nijmegen

Contact WerkBedrijf

E: communicatie@wbrn.nl
T: 024 – 751 75 00