Take part in research about staying over with host family (“logeren”): how does it help?
You are staying with family or friends while you are waiting for the municipality to find you a home. Why have you decided to stay with family or friends? And how does this work? Would you like to share your experiences with us?
The Verwey-Jonker Institute – a Dutch research firm– is conducting a research that aims to find out if staying with family or friends helps you in building a new life in the Netherlands. In light of this research, we would like to have an interview with you. The interview will take about one hour and can take place in your own language. You are also free to choose the location of the interview, for example at your host address. You will receive €15 for your participation in the research.
Do you want to participate? Then please contact us by e-mail, phone or WhatsApp.
If you speak English, then please contact: Maaike van Rooijen
If you speak Arabic, then please contact:
Zakia Yousif
If you participate in an interview, we will ask you whether the people you are staying with are also willing to be interviewed. They will also receive €15 for their participation in the research.