If you (temporarily) have the ‘uitkering’ you must cooperate with the gemeente and WerkBedrijf. You must also immediately report changes in your situation to the municipality. You can find more information and frequently asked questions here. 

What does cooperating with the municipality mean?

You have to show up at appointments for which you are invited. You also have to hand over documents and information requested by WerkBedrijf or the municipality. In this way you actively and fairly cooperate in finding work. This is called: the labour obligation.

If you do not cooperate, the municipality could lower or stop your ‘uitkering’. For example your uitkering can be stopped for one month if you did not show up at an appointment. If you are not able to show up at an appointment for an important reason, you can contact the municipality by phone or e-mail.

Why do I have to report it when I go abroad?

You are obliged to come to appointments and actively look for work. That is why it is necessary for the municipality to know if you are not at home. You must always be available for work. If you do not state that you are on holiday and you do not attend appointments to which you are invited, the municipality can give you less money or stop your ‘uitkering’ completely. That is why you must pass it on if you go abroad for more than 1 day. You can go on holiday for a maximum of 28 days a year.

My girlfriend will stay with me at my house for the entire coming month. She will also eat here. Why do I have to report this to the municipality?

The municipality decides how much ‘uitkering’ you need. If your personal situation changes, the amount can change. That is why you have to report changes. Which changes?

⇒ If you start living together with someone

⇒ If you have a temporary guest for longer than one week

⇒ If you or your child moves to another house

⇒ If your child starts or stops studying

It is your own responsibility to be honest. The municipality can check this.

How to report changes?

You can report changes through the form, but directly contacting the municipality is usually better. Then they can put it in their system immediately, which prevents you from accidently receiving the wrong amount of money. Here you will find the contact data of the municipalities in the area of Nijmegen (Rijk van Nijmegen).

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