Here you will find an overview of smaller initiatives for, by or around newcomers & refugees in Nijmegen. They organise or facilitate organising activities.
These organizations are always in need of volunteers. If you want to do voluntary wori, you can contact these organizations directly. Questions? Ask them at Yalla Foundation.
Gezellig Nijmegen is a meeting place, with an informal cosy atmosphere. Everyone is welcome: people with or without a permit to stay in The Netherlands and locals. There are many activities, see the current agenda on this page or at their website.
At Zorgcafé you can ask questions related to your health and health care insurance. The volunteers of Zorgcafé provide advice and can call for you, or help you visit a doctor if you need that. The Zorgcafé volunteers use the space of Gezellig for their meetins. Check the agenda for when you are welcome there.
Kleurfabriek Nijmegen organises creative activities for children and youngsters. They are active in the local asylum seeking centres in Nijmegen (AZC’s).
Vluchtelingenwerk Oost Nederland helps refugees and other newcomers in the provinces Gelderland en Overijssel. You can ask questions there.
Wereldvrouwenhuis Mariam van Nijmegen shelters homeless women with health problems without a permit to stay.
Kompas Mengelmoes
Stichting Kompas Mengelmoes helps people who experience difficulties finding a job. You can make items there like pillows, bags and more.
Just People
Just People organises activities for and with refugees in Nijmegen. If you have an idea to organise something, you can contact them. They start their activities based at Politiek Café de Klinker.
Talent Team
Talententeam Lent is a club for running talents, mainly newcomers in the city. They train their skills and enter runs in the region.
Rainbow Nijmegen helps lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LHBT) refugees. They organise meetings and help with individual problems.
Elanart organises art projects for residents of the asylum seeking centres, often in cooperation with students or volunteers.
Kerk in Actie (Church in Action)
Kerk in actie helps people who have financial problems which can’t get any help elsewhere.
Stichting NoodOpvang
Stichting NoodOpvang (SNOV) Nijmegen arranges emergency sheltering for homeless refugees which ended there procedures without a permit to stay. An organisation like VWN can register you there.
Stichting Gast
Stichting Gast helps people which did not receive a permit after the first attempt, and who are homeless. To receive help by Stichting Gast, one has to have a reasonable chance on a permit to stay still.
Stad van Compassie
Nijmegen Stad van Compassie connects organizations and organises activities in Nijmegen around the theme: compassion.
Yalla Foundation
Stichting Yalla admins online communities where one can connect with each other and informs newcomers about the city, country and connects organisations. Being in touch with Yalla can spread your network in the region.
Taste the Culture
Taste the Culture cooks with young students and older status holders. They do that in the Internationale Schakel Klas (ISK, high school), one day per week.
New Rootz
New Rootz wants to support youngsters who have aspirations to do something with art. They offer coaching, workshops and a network. They focus not only on newcomers, but strives to be a multicultural group of people.
Welcome to the Neighbourhood
Welcome to the Neighbourhood are volunteers and status holders who focus on the Eritrean status holders in Lent (Nijmegen Noord). They want to increase contact between the neighbourhood and the individuals who are housed in the compound.
At Fair2Work you are welcome if you want to start your own company in Nijmegen and you need to depelop skills for that. They have work spaces and offer some workshops. They are experienced in having a company and you can meet others who also want to start leading an independent work life. Fair2Work does not aim specifically on newcomers, but is open for that.
The Vrijwilligerscentrale leads the project ‘Aan de slag‘. They help civilians, not only refugees, by finding voluntary work.
Stip & Inter-lokaal
Do you have problems concerning managing your monthly income and expenses? Papers? After your VWN help is finished and you can communicate, everyone – also status holders – are welcome at a local STIP. There are people from Inter-lokaal who can help you.
Plan b Wereldkoks is a cooking initiative for women with a different background and people who have difficulties finding a job. You can follow an education to work in restaurants.
Stichting Aroma wants to make the world better with art. The foundation consists of artists and social entrepreneurs. With art they want to encourage people to meet and get to know each other.
Humans of Heumensoord
Humans of Heumensoord is a Facebook page about newcomers in Heumensoord. Also they published a book with life stories and a current update about their situation.
The Werkbedrijf Rijk van Nijmegen will contact status holders in the uitkering. They help finding jobs. If you are motivated and in this situation, you can also contact them. They have special contact persons for status holders.
De Plak
De Plak is a collective café that encourages initiatives and connects people. Newcomers are always welcome there.
Huiskamer Jasmijn
Children in primary school can do art activities, sport and play together (from the AZC and the surroundings). They encourage children with different backgrounds to meet.
Here you can find different inititatives concerning learning the language.
Do you know an initiative that is not on this list? Neem dan contact op.