Become a group member or follow the pages below and be in touch with others who are new in Nijmegen, or with people that have always lived here. By showing yourself and your talents, you will be seen. Building a social network will bring you further in life! Also in case of minor problems, the community can help a hand.
- Eri Nijmegen Community
- Refugees in Netherlands Nijmegen
Are you new in Nijmegen (asylum seeking centre, house or student), or have you lived longer in Nijmegen and are you open to be in touch on a personal level with someone new in Nijmegen? Request to be a group member here and participate in the online community. Often an online contact can make a real life meeting easier. Be in touch! - Spullen voor statushouders Nijmegen
- Independent Volunteers Nijmegen
Do you know newcomers or do you volunteer, and do you have questions? Do you see yourself as a volunteer but do you not work for a supporting organisation? In this group the members share knowledge, react on each other, ask questions, and inspire. Join now! - Welcome to Nijmegen
Facebook page for Nijmegen and newcomers, local news and more. Follow and stay up to date (in Dutch). - Welcome to the Neighbourhoud (Griftdijk Lent)