Do you, for a longer or shorter time, have a low income? Then you might have right to help from the Voedselbank. Weekly, the volunteers of the Voedselbank spread foodpackages among people that can use something extra. Here you can see how you can sign up.
When you cannot spend more than 215 euro of your income on clothing and food (with deduction of your monthly costs like rent, electricity bills and insurance), then you can visit the Voedselbank. If you have a family, this budget can be higher: 85 euros more for each extra person.
De Voedselbank is a temporary solution. If you have signed up for the Voedselbank, they will check a couple of times per year if you still need a food package. When you get a higher income, it is important that you communicate this to the Voedselbank.
Can I just go to the Voedselbank?
When you meet the conditions, you have the right for a weekly food package from the Voedselbank. It is important that you first sign up for this.This is how you can sign up:
1. Go to VluchtelingenWerk, or if you can, go to a STIP in your neighbourhood.
Do you have a financial administrator? This person can also help you to sign up for the Voedselbank.
2. Together with the person from STIP, VWN or your administrator you fill in this form
3. You will be registered as a client of the Voedselbank. You will receive a mail from the Voedselbank when your registration is complete. They will tell you where in your neighbourhood and when you can pick up your first foodpackage. Most pick-up places are located in community centres.
The central location of the Voedselbank
Winkelsteegseweg 144 (near Goffertpark)
Telephone number for questions and information: 06 231 12 318
Available only from 9.00h – 16.00h
Important rules when you pick up your food package
⇒ Take your own cooling bag with you to pick up the food for in the refrigerator and freezer
⇒ If you do not use some of the food from the package, try to exchange it with others or leave it at the pick-up point.
⇒ Be on time at the right location to pick up your food package. You have to come pick up the package yourself!
⇒ Are you not able to come and get the package on time? Call the Voedselbank to let them know, before Thursday 16.00h!
Call: 06 221 34 130. Or mail to
⇒ Only when you sign off you can make a new appointment and time to come and pick up your food package at the central Voedselbank location.
⇒ If you don’t pick up your food package 2 times without notification to Voedswelbank? You will lose your right to food packages from the Voedselbank.
What is in a food package?
All of the food in a package is approved for consumption. Sometimes the official durability of a single product will be exceeded. This does not mean it is not good for consumption any more. The Voedselbank will check with official guidelines if they still put it in the package or not. There are a couple of products that are always included in the package, like bread, meat and vegetables. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.
Sometimes not everyone will receive the same products. That is because some products are delivered only in small amounts. Don’t get the same product as someone else? You will get something else in your package. The Voedselbank will spread all of their products in a fair way among the packages.
Want to become a volunteer or donate to the Voedselbank?
The Voedselbank gives free help. Extra help is very welcome. You can do this by giving a donation, setting up your own action for money or gathering food. The Voedselbank works with volunteers only. New volunteers are welcome to join!
To see how you can join and more information about the Voedselbank, visit their website:
(Source for information: Voedselbank Nijmegen)