Do you have a low budget to spend on clothing? Or do you need warm clothes, but is this too expensive for you? Then visit the Kledingbank, an organisation that offers the possibility to get free clothes to people with a low income. This way everyone can look well-dressed during all seasons. 

When you cannot spend more than 175 of your income on clothing and food (with deduction of your monthly costs like rent, electricity bills and insurance), then you can visit the Kledingbank. If you have a family, this budget can be higher:
175 euros plus:
– 60 euro for another adult
– 50 euro for children between the age of 13-18
– 25 euro for children up to 12 years old 

When this financial situation applies to you, you can register for an appointment. How to arrange this? Read it in this text!
A short video about the activities of the Kledingbank (in Dutch)   

Can I just come by at the Kledingbank?

It is important that you have an official organisation sign a registrationform for you. Here is how you can do it: 

1) Go to VluchtelingenWerk or, if you can, go to a STIP in your neighbourhood
2) Together with a volunteer you sign this declaration
3) The volunteer will register you as a new client for the Kledingbank
4) Make an appointment with the Kledingbank to pick up clothes
You can send a mail to:
Or call to: 06 558 656 685)

Visit the Kledingbank on the agreed upon date. Do not forget to take the signed declaration with you!

Address Kledingbank

Winkelsteegseweg 144, 6534 AR Nijmegen
Opening hours: Monday – Thursday 9.30 am– 4.00 pm

How often can I pick clothing at the Kledingbank?

You are allowed to visit two times per year on an agreed time to pick up clothing. There has to be six months in between. 

Volunteering or donating clothes at the Kledingbank

Everyone can bring clothes to the Kledingbank during opening hours. All good and clean clothing is welcome. Volunteers work there and can always use a pair of extra hands. 

To see how you can register for the Kledingbank and for more information, visit their website:

(Source: Kledingbank Nijmegen 2017)