In the city of Nijmegen there are different neighbourhoods. Every neighbourhood has their own organisations and services that can help you. Most neighbourhoods also have a community centre (‘wijkcentrum’ or ‘buurthuis’ in Dutch). You can go here to meet people from your neighbourhood. Read more about where to go in your neighbourhood on this page.
Every neighbourhood has a STIP. You can go to STIP when you have questions about money, housing, work, healthcare or filling in forms. When you want to organize an activity in your neighbourhood, you can also go to STIP.
⇒ See where you can find a STIP-location in your neighbourhood
Sociaal Wijkteam (SWT) (care in your neighbourhood)
Every neighbourhood has what we call a ‘sociaal wijkteam’. This is a group of care-professionals in your neighbourhood. They can help you with problems when you are sick.
Do you want help with problems? First go to STIP. When you need more help, they can send you to the sociaal wijkteam for more help.
⇒ Which professionals work in the sociaal wijkteam in my neighbourhood?
Community centres (wijkcentrum’ or ‘buurthuis’)
Every neighbourhood has its own community centre. Here you can participate in or organize activities. Sometimes they also have information nights or community-meetings with the people from your neighbourhood. Everyone from the neighbourhood is welcome. You can get to know other people from your neighbourhood.
⇒ Where can I find the community centre in or close to my neighbourhood?
The municipality in your neighbourhood
People from the municipality are also working for your neighbourhood. Together with the people living in the neighbourhood they make the surroundings safe and liveable. Together with the people they improve play gardens, roads and parks. They also help to solve problems with teenagers on the street. When you have a problem or a good idea for your neighbourhood, you can contact the district manager.
⇒ Contacting the district manager.
Wijkagenten (local police)
Every part of the city has one or more police officers. They serve the neighbourhood. They walk around in the neighbourhood and solve small problems. In case of big emergencies with direct danger, always call 112. When there is a small problem in your neighbourhood, you can talk to the ‘wijkagent’. They are there to help you.
Find the wijkagent (and his phone-number) in your neighbourhood.
More organisations in the Nijmegen neighbourhoods
Here you find more organisations that work in the neighbourhoods of Nijmegen
⇒ Or:
Your neighbourhood online
Many neighbourhoods have their own website. Here you can find an overview of the most important activities and events in your neighbourhood. You can also search on Facebook, here you find many neighbourhood pages.
⇒ Wijkwebsite Centrum
⇒ Bataafs Kwartier
⇒ Wijkwebsite De Landbouwbuurt
⇒ Wijkwebsite De Muntenbuurt
⇒ Wijkwebsite Nijmegen-Noord
⇒ Wijkwebsite Lent
⇒ Wijkwebsite Nijmegen-Oost
⇒ Wijkwebsite Altrade
⇒ Wijkwebsite Bottendaal
⇒ Algemeen
⇒ Hatert
⇒ Wijkwebsite Meijhorst
⇒ Wijkwebsite Weezenhof
⇒ Wijkwebsite Aldenhof
⇒ Wijkwebsite Lindenholt
⇒ Wijkwebsite Nijmegen Oud-West
⇒ Wijkwebsite Nijmegen Nieuw-West (Hees)