Do you get a house? Then you can get a loan from the municipality Nijmegen for the basic necessities for your house. Save all the bills of the things you buy to prove where you spend your money on. Most things you can buy in a smart way, with little money. On this page you will find tips and information about furnishing your house.
Help from VWN
You can ask VluchtelingenWerk for information and advice about a loan for the furnishing of your house. They will not help you to buy the furniture.
⇒ Are you looking for help with searching or buying stuff for in your house? You can always post a message on the facebookgroup ‘Spullen voor statushouders Nijmegen’. (Stuff for Statusholders Nijmegen)
Inrichtingskrediet (furniture loan)
When you get a house in the municipality, for example in Nijmegen, you can get a small loan for the basic necessities for your house. You will have to pay this back later on. The loan depends on the size of your family.
There are some important rules for this loan:
⇒ The money of the loan can ONLY be spend on costs you make to furnish the house.
⇒ Do you spend the money on other things? Then you have to directly pay everything back and you will receive a fine.
⇒ You have to buy the furnishment within 3 months from the moment you receive the loan.
⇒ You have to pay the loan back at a later time. To pay back the municipality will hold back a small amount of money from your uitkering every month. They will do this automatically.
⇒ After a couple of years of paying back the debt you still have will be cancelled. This means you do not have to pay it back anymore. Your debt will then be gone.
Save your bills!
⇒ This is why it is important that you can prove what you have bought with the money from the loan. Carefully save all of the bills: bills or screenshots of the messages you have send on Marktplaats.
⇒ You have to save your bills and other proof op payment for 2 years. Scan the bills and save them on your computer so that you have a back-up to show what you have spent and to what.
Do you want to use this loan?
Contact the VWN for more information. Inform yourself well about the precise conditions for the loan.