The Netherlands has a different drug policy then you are maybe familiar with. Drugs are forbidden, but sometimes the officially checked selling of soft drugs in limited way is unofficially allowed in special coffee shops. Do you want more information about drugs (for example to teach your children about the dangers and risks)? Do you want to know where to get help? Read more … 

Drugs influence the human consciousness. Using drugs can damage the user and the public health. Therefore, it is forbidden to deal, produce or own drugs (exceptions are there). The government fights the production of hard drugs, for example to close down drug labs.

Help with Problems concerning Drug Usage

People with drug use problems can be helped in acute situations at the emergency room, and otherwise at the family physician (huisarts). There are also care organizations for drug use prevention and addiction.

The doctor is not allowed to tell anybody about your problems, whatsoever they are. This is ensured in his guidelines. When you are visiting him, everything is confidential.

Relevant links on Drugs

Information from the Dutch Government on Drugs (in English)
Drug Info Team (in Dutch)

Information Brochure about Drugs, Alcohol, Tabacco and Medicines in The Netherlands





Drug Criminals

Sometimes criminals offer money, help you out for free, and then force you later to grow soft drugs in your house. Growing soft drugs in your house is not allowed. You can get a criminal record by allowing or doing this. Criminals target vulnerable people, like for example refugees.

See here what happened with a Syrian family before!
(newspaper articles in Dutch):
Hennepbendes werven kwetsbare vluchteling als thuisteler 

Report Criminals

If you see something, you can report criminals or unsafe situations:
⇒ No Emergency? Police, call 0900-8844
⇒ Emergency (life in danger)? Call 112
⇒ Anonimous reporting? Call M: 0800-7000