Civic Integration – Status holders Nijmegen
As a status holder, have you received a home in the municipality of Nijmegen?
Then the municipality of Nijmegen is helping you with your integration. These are the steps in your integration process in Nijmegen:
> You will receive a letter from DUO (Education Implementation Service) regarding your integration. This letter will have the start date of your integration. You must pass your exams within three years as of this start date.
> You will receive an invitation from the municipality for a ‘Broad intake‘ (Brede intake):
- You will take a test to determine which integration lessons (learning track = leerroute) you will follow.
- You will also have a conversation about your plans for the future and your personal situation. This way, the municipality knows which training(s) you have completed, which work experience you have, and also what your strengths are.
> Together with the municipality, you will then make agreements for your Integration and Participation Plan (PIP). This will include:
- Which learning track and exams you will take.
- Any other goals you have, for example (voluntary) work or training.
> After that, the municipality will choose which language school you will attend for your integration lessons.
> At your language school you will follow one of three learning tracks (leerroutes):
- B1-route (B1 Track)
- Onderwijsroute (Education Track)
- Z-route (Self-Reliance Track)
> At the language school, you will receive lessons in the Dutch language and the subject Knowledge of Dutch Society (KNM).
> The municipality will further explain how you will do the Workforce Participation Module (MAP) and the Participation Declaration Process (PVT).
> During your integration, you will receive social assistance from Nijmegen Refugee Work (Vluchtelingenwerk Nijmegen). This way, you will learn how to handle practical matters. You will also hear more about the Dutch society. And at the end of the social assistance, you will know how to take care of yourself in the Netherlands.
> Within three years, you must pass the exams for your integration and complete the MAP & PVT.
> Then you will be integrated and continue your activities in Nijmegen and/or the Netherlands. You have already found work or are looking for work. Or you will continue learning.
On, you can create a useful step-by-step plan for your integration.
Do you have any further questions about your integration?
The following organisations can provide you with information:
- Municipality of Nijmegen > ask your case manager (klantregisseur).
- DUO > send your question via the contact form or call: 050 – 599 96 00 (Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 17:00 hrs)
- Vluchtelingenwerk Nijmegen (Refugee Work Nijmegen) > ask your social worker. If you don’t have a social worker, you can go to the Refugee Work consultation hour, Ganzenheuvel 56, in the centre of Nijmegen:
Monday: 13:00 – 15:00 hrs
Wednesday: 10:00 – 12:00 hrs
Thursday: 13:00 – 15:00 hrs